Are you driven by fear or by love?
Ask yourself this crucial question to unravel the root of your struggles.
Ask yourself this crucial question to unravel the root of your struggles.
Are you driven by fear or by love?
If fear is steering your actions, ponder on what it would entail if love were your guide.
This simple inquiry can flip upside down the way you approach the achievement of your personal and professional goals.
Some people get fit to impress their peers, while others do it to care for their bodies.
Getting fit to feel worthy versus getting fit to feel healthy.
Similarly, some acquire new skills to build remarkable things, while others do so to avoid getting left behind.
Actions fueled by fear often result in poor decisions—mere quick fixes that don't provide lasting solutions.
When you decide out of fear you only fixate on the outcome, not on the process. And the outcome you expect never comes because you weren't present in the process.
Fear is paralyzing; it impedes the natural flow of your actions leading you to fall into an abyss of over-analyisis.
When fear governs your thoughts, you become more vulnerable to draining emotions like insecurity, inadequacy, or even anger.
These emotions cloud your vision, causing you to fixate on your flaws and mistakes, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
However, when you do things out of love you feel at peace, calm, and firm in your actions.
Tasks flow effortlessly, and mistakes become opportunities for improvement.
Approaching challenges with love unveils a world of possibilities. All of a sudden you realize how abundant the world is.
Last year, I tried to teach myself programming during a low point in my life, driven by a looming feeling of not being enough.
In retrospect, I realized I couldn't grasp concepts effectively because my motivation was completely fear-based, so my mind wasn't present on the task at hand.
Impatience and the desire for instant gratification led me to skip the fundamentals and I eventually quit.
After a reflective journaling session I asked myself one simple question.
"What would things look like If I only operated from a place of love?"
The answer led me to game development—a perfect blend of art and code.
Now, I was fueled by love—a vision of creating a beautiful, emotional game that brought me joy and inspiration.
Combining my passion with a new super-creative medium made the process even more fulfilling.
Time flew by as I immersed myself in the process, having a strong reason to invest time and energy in studying programming.
Same skill, same ideas, different approach, different results.
I shifted from "I have to learn this to be worthy of approval in the marketplace." to "I get to learn this to create something truly remarkable."
This is just my little story, and I hope it inspires you to finally find a way to break down the cold hard fear-based wall that blinds the warm light of love.
Great love and respect,
Ash Lamb
Fear serves it's purpose when it is channeled to the right stuff
The fear of dying early should help you keep your body in check and help you in making healthy food choices
The fear of failing an exam or not meeting up with your bills should motivate you to work harder.
Fear can be a guide and there's always something positive about anything negative.
Love this piece! Very cool how you discovered game development from a place of love versus general programming from a place of fear. Immersion was a great word choice -- immersion can only come from a place of love imho.
I wrote a very similar one about fear and love (published ~1 week later than yours) that was largely inspired by my love of the film, Tick, Tick... Boom!
If you're interested: