YES! I’ve been living this lately. Parsing out the good feedback from the “not right for me” feedback! I found that the more professional feedback I followed, the more I was softening the edges of my uniqueness. Nice work!
YES! I’ve been living this lately. Parsing out the good feedback from the “not right for me” feedback! I found that the more professional feedback I followed, the more I was softening the edges of my uniqueness. Nice work!
YES! I’ve been living this lately. Parsing out the good feedback from the “not right for me” feedback! I found that the more professional feedback I followed, the more I was softening the edges of my uniqueness. Nice work!
Lauren, this is such a powerful statement. Just wrote it down. I could summarize my issue with it.
"I found that the more professional feedback I followed, the more I was softening the edges of my uniqueness."