"I've often found it tedious to read an entire chapter of a book just to revisit a single quote, so my plan is to distill the best ideas into a fun and accessible deck." I like this version of this idea. And I think there are many ways you can spin such a deck/variety of decks, Ash.

I applaud you on experimenting, stretching yourself from the comfort of digital to tactile.

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The feedback you gave me last night was so valuable. Thank you so much for taking the time Karena. You've been so supportive in my journey as a creative.

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I'm amplifying great vision and courage to take different paths as we all move into a new Future of Work, Ash! I speak about GenZ as the Explorer Generation - using their own compass to create the maps for this new world of work, because the maps of the Industrial Era are outdated and in tatters. Your compass North Star is "creative".

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Love your analogy. It certainly resonates a lot. I have a document I check every week on my computer named "Compass" with my strenghts, bottlenecks, goals etc...

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I just DM'd you on Twitter, but I'll park my latest newsletter edition here too as it may be pertinent. What you are doing with this deck of cards is responding to a signal by taking agency (action). Who knows where this may lead 1000 days from now?!


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“Always do what you are afraid to do.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let’s go, Ash!

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Let's do this Jimmy! Thank you so much for being there. Just one more experiment.

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Querido Ash,

Podrías pensar en una app en lugar de algo físico? Solucionaría problemas de envío y pago para quienes estamos alejados.

Muchas gracias por tu trabajo.

Un abrazo!


Dear Ash, could you think of an app instead of something physical? It would solve shipping and payment problems for those of us who are far away.

Thank you very much for your work.

A hug!


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Muchas gracias por el interés y la sugerencia Mario!

Te avisaré cuando tenga la version física preparada.

Un abrazo!

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Love your work. This sounds like an amazing idea, especially for workshops and training. Please do it :-)

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Noted, Andras! Appreciate you.

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I would really love having one. I am visual person myself, and it something like would help me a lot. In apple we have an internal leadership palette deck, which i refer to a lot with my team.

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Thank you for letting me know Moussa! Do you work at Apple? That's amazing.

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Yeah I do. Lets catch up, if you like.

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I think this is an idea you absolutely should pursue. I’ve come across your work on LinkedIn, and more than once, your illustrations have resonated with me right when I needed them. The thought of having those insights in a beautifully designed deck of cards is really exciting—being able to pick one up for a quick boost or perspective shift sounds perfect.

The vision you shared of creating decks for topics like business, psychology, and creative strategy. I think your work would really lend itself to that format, and it’s something I’d like to support.

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In this day and age of digital distractions your card idea is a perfect for some but in my own experience another accessory like a deck of cards will also disappear as do my library of books I intended to read , started but never completed. In my case I think your posts will resonate sufficiently so if one inspiration or idea hits the mark your reader will bookmark it. Just my two cents...

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