The power of partnership
I've been a solopreneur since the day I decided that I wouldn't go to college and I would start executing my own projects and ideas.
When you go heads down on your own you learn a lot about yourself. You effectively discover who you really are and who you really want to become.
You also learn to figure things out on your own. When you first start out working on your projects you probably won't have the funds to hire a front-end developer, so you learn how to code. If you want a photo shoot for your new products, you learn how to use a camera as a professional would. Either you do everything yourself, or you find a viable workaround.
This path can be really challenging at times, but it's completely worth it. Doing the hard work that no one wants to do will eventually shape you into an irreplaceable sovereign individual.
The power of partnership
As much as I love being a lone wolf, I'm slowly realizing that partnering or collaborating with other people, if done well, can give your project a long-term competitive advantage.
1 + 1 = 3
I like to keep an open mind so I'm starting to consider the option of finding one or multiple co-founders for my future projects. It's very fun to work with people you like and respect. Sometimes, being part of something that's greater than yourself can help you excel in ways you never knew was possible. I'll always have my very own projects going on, but eventually, I would like to start something new with new people. It just sounds like an adventure worth living.
These two quotes have inspired me to appreciate the power of partnership and collaboration.
It is better to be part of a great whole than to be the whole of a small part. — Frederick Douglass
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together — African Proverb
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