It will feel as if 99% of your effort is being wasted.
Results in life rarely follow a linear or directly proportional path.
A mere 1% of podcasters make it past the 20-episode mark...
The entry barrier to reaching the top has never been lower, mainly because many people aiming for success have misguided expectations. They tend to measure their progress using external factors, such as the number of views their episodes receive, rather than internal factors like how much they improve as creators.
If your sense of fulfilment hinges on factors beyond your control, you're in for a rough ride, likely leading to early abandonment. The mental toll will overshadow any justification for continuing.
On the flip side, directing your focus to the right metrics—such as the hours dedicated to your project and the number of skills learned—creates a positive feedback loop propelling you toward inevitable success.
Anyone who's created something substantial understands that mastering the controllable elements eventually leads to conquering the uncontrollable ones.
Committing to something for years without getting any better at it is almost impossible.
The challenge lies in the fact that the majority of life-changing results accumulate at the very end, which means that all the work you do before getting your big break won’t be seen by many people.
Investing substantial effort into 99 videos that may garner little attention is worthwhile because the 100th video could be a game-changer, changing your career forever.
One successful video is all it takes to set the ball in motion, and once it starts rolling, it only gains momentum (unless you stop it).
Facing rejection from 99 people is worth it because the 100th person might say YES, and that can be transformative.
Enduring 99 days at the gym without visible results in the mirror is worth it because, on the 100th day, someone may compliment you, and before you know it, you'll have achieved your dream physique.
It may seem like 99% of your effort goes to waste, but all that investment is necessary to unlock that crucial 1% that changes everything.
Results in life rarely follow a linear or directly proportional path.
Most outcomes are asymmetric, meaning you put in one pound of effort, and only one ounce of benefit comes out the other side. This pattern continues for years until you hit the upward spike located at the far end of the graph.
Those who make it are individuals so committed and passionate about the process that they're willing to go without externally visible results for a significant period of time.
The same principle applies to venture capital. Investors write seed checks to hundreds, if not thousands, of startups because they understand that one success can offset all the ones that didn't pan out.
Keep going; you're much closer to your desired outcome than you realize. Embrace rejection or failure, and sooner than later, you'll secure that first win that changes everything.
Ninety-nine rejected job applications can pave the way to your dream job.
Ninety-nine YouTube videos with minimal views may lead to a video that skyrockets, bringing in incredible opportunities.
Ninety-nine rejections can lead you to a client who introduces you to other high-paying clients.
I know you've got this. Let's keep moving forward together.
With much love and respect,
Ash Lamb